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Purchasing marketing and coaching

How important is purchasing to your company?

From our point of view, the contribution of purchasing to the company’s success lies in constructive and transparent exchange – with all the people involved in the procurement process. This includes recognizing and reducing the “areas of tension” under the individual areas.

It may be known that procurement processes in the company take place without purchasing – or that the purchasing department is integrated “after-the-fact”, so to speak, and is only supposed to negotiate a “pretty price”. A short and concise example of a classic field of tension. The efficiency of purchasing is severely limited and the supplier could be confused with whom they are actually negotiating what.

This leads to unnecessary interference and, in cases of doubt, can lead to a weakening of one’s own position both internally and externally. This narrows the variety of options for implementing project ideas.

How we can support you

We have made the experience that one thing is needed above all to solve these diplomacy. From our own experience, we know that diplomacy can reveal many more opportunities for improvement and cost reductions that do not focus solely on the bid price. We support you in unlocking more synergies in the cooperation with purchasing and in combining the different objectives in the interests of the company and your customers.
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